NIA Business Lab - Estate Planning For Business Owners and Their Families
In this presentation, you will learn the importance of estate and business succession planning to ensure your most important assets are preserved for generations to come without the need of prolonged court processes and family conflict.
The Takeaways
What is the foundational estate plan?
Planning for incapacity - powers of attorney, living wills, guardianships.
Wills vs. Trusts - all you need to know!
Keeping your business in the family and out of court -leave an asset, not a
liability behind.
Cost, timeline, and process for getting your estate plan done.
Q&A - get all of your questions answered by an experienced attorney!
Anastasia Fainberg is a partner and co-founder at Legacy Law Group Colorado. As a parent, wife, and business owner, Anastasia recognizes the importance of legal planning, so that the legacy that you have worked so hard to build does not get stuck in a messy conflict or disappear after one generation. Anastasia’s objective is to help you secure that what you’ve worked so hard to create for generations to come and build a relationship with your family across generations.
To contact Anastasia, please visit: https://legacylawgroupcolorado.com